Monday, October 6, 2008


Well, we had another appointment on thursday. We got to hear the baby's heartbeat. That was cool. Everything's going well & progressing the way it should be. I'd gained 5 lbs since our last appointment 4 weeks earlier. At this point, they look for about a lb a week, so we're pretty much right on track. The morning sickness stuff is pretty much gone. I still have days sometimes when I just kinda feel a little crappy & have to be careful of what I eat, but for the most part, it doesn't really go past just feeling yuck anymore. Sure, every once in a while I still find myself running to the toilet or sink, but it's not often at all anymore! It also helps that now, when I get nauseated, I can take a little pill & it goes away! So, that helps. Gladly though, I don't have to take them very often. General Conference was this past weekend. It was awesome! I really enjoyed it! Of course, I always enjoy the chance to listen to the Prophet & apostles, but this one seemed especially good. This weekend, Cody & I are heading down to Louisville, KY for the TEAM National Leadership convention. It will be another awesome weekend. We'll get to listen to several big leaders on the TEAM, as well as the co-founders, Orrin Woodward & Chris Brady. It's gonna be a blast! Pretty much, everything's been going great! Life is grand! We're happy & excited about life & having a baby... There's plenty to be happy about, so we are! Anyway, speaking of the baby... I need to get food, so I'm gone! I'll update again soon. Love you all!

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