Saturday, October 25, 2008

Well, it's been a while since my last blog. Things are going great! The baby is growing fast & getting wiggly! Around the end of week 16 I felt the baby move for the first time! It was so exciting! Since then, I felt it progressively more often & it's gotten stronger & more noticeable with each day. I've actually been feeling it quite a bit lately. It's way fun! Much to Cody's disappointment, he hasn't been able to feel it yet. The few times the baby has moved or kicked more than once in a short period of time, Cody's been gone or sleeping or something. He keeps putting his hand on my belly every time I tell him I felt it & asking the baby to "Do it again, please." It's so cute. I finally gave up last week & went & bought a pair of Maternity pants, as none of mine really fit around my stomach anymore. Holy cow, they are SO stinkin' comfortable! A little expensive, but comfortable! We have our next appointment on Thursday & we'll get our big fancy ultrasound. With this one, they will actually be able to tell if it's a boy or girl, but we're not going to find out. Sorry guys, we want to be surprised! But anyway, I'm sure I'll have more news at that point. But for now, I've got to go help Cody's mom fix up her costume for the school halloween festival this week. Love you all!

1 comment:

Chris said...

Glad to hear you're feeling better and all the fun little flutters and kicks. Oh, a simple request from your favorite aunt? Could you just, like, ask the ultrasound tech to maybe write the gender down on a piece of paper and mail it over to me? You see, I CAN'T STAND IT and I have to know. Thanks! :) Hehehe.